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My own dilemma

This is an introductory post.  I am in my early twenties. Literally at my dilemma age, hence the blog name. Still haven't really figure out what I want in life. Right now, I am at work, it's 3:11PM, my desk is full of paperwork. And I am starting to realize that I am wasting my time. I do not like my job. In fact, I loathe it. I love it at times, but most the days I find myself dragging my body to work instead of waking up with a cheerful energy & loving life attitude. Apart from that, who does that? I find little things that annoys me, mainly because those little stupid tasks like unbinding documents that you just bounded perfectly, purely because that un-thoughtful someone made changes on a few pages. Someone out there should start inventing an automatic machine for book binding. And at this day and age, honestly, why is no one making that?! Just FYI, if you read this post and created a machine, please let me know. Give me some credit, pretty please? Enough on my

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